Four Words That Helped My Find My Faith Again
My father died unexpectedly in October 2012 and, in the days that followed his death, I wandered around in a fog. I went through the motions of helping my family arrange his funeral and I did what I...
View ArticleThe Keeper And An Ugly Volvo
I’d like to tell you a little story. It involves a book, an Italian restaurant, and an Ugly Volvo. Trust me, I’ll connect the dots, don’t worry. When I started writing back in March 2013, I had no way...
View ArticleScrew You, Pink Ribbon
Pink is my favorite color. Really, it is. Anyone who knows me well knows that if I have a color choice, imma pick pink every day and twice on Sunday. I’m not sure if it makes me feel feminine or if...
View ArticleThe Keeper Has A Clothing Line!
So, you know how sometimes you get emails to your inbox and you look at them and immediately decide that they have to be spam because they sound so ridiculous? “You have 2 million dollars waiting for...
View ArticleOn Letting Your Friends Down
There’s a scene in the movie “Dirty Dancing” (also known as The Greatest Movie Of All Time And If You Haven’t Seen It, We Can’t Be Friends) where Jake Houseman, played by Jerry Orbach, has a come to...
View ArticleOn Changing…..
Well, now, 2016 was quite a year, wasn’t it, bitchachos? And, I don’t know about you, but I feel different. In some respects, a good different. In other ways, not so much. I don’t mind telling you that...
View ArticleSo, You Want To Start A Blog…
The number one question I get asked as a blogger is how I got started. People are often equal parts amazed and amused to hear that I sort of fell into this gig by accident. Truly, if it weren’t for a...
View ArticleThe Song Remembers When
When I was in fifth-grade, my family and I moved to a far away to a foreign land called Texas. Having grown up in the Northeast, being the daughter of two Yankees who “pahked the cah in Hahvahd yahd,”...
View ArticleThat Time A Shih Tzu Came To Live With Me
For my entire life, I was sure of a lot of things. I was sure I’d grow up and become a nurse and I was certain that I’d travel as much as I possibly could. I was certain there was nothing better than...
View ArticleThe Day My Heart Grew By Two Feet
He climbed up on my lap and nestled his toddler body against mine. As he shifted to get comfortable, my belly shifted, presumably his sister’s first act of defiance against her older brother. His hair...
View ArticleThe Time I Became A Cat Burglar. Literally.
I am responsible AF. Well, except when it comes to taking care of my friends’ pets. Then all bets are off. I feel as though it should be said that I have zero pet sitting skills. I didn’t own pets as a...
View ArticleThe Keeper Is Going To Graceland. Sort of.
When I was fifteen, I volunteered at a local hospital in the Mail and Flowers department. A few times a week, I donned a blue gingham smock and would spend several hours delivering, well, mail and...
View ArticleI Signed With A Literary Agent And Found Out My Dog Is A Murderer. On The...
There are moments in your life where time stops and you remember every single detail. I can remember with vivid clarity the morning the Challenger exploded and the details of 9/11 are seared on my...
View Article36 Thoughts All Moms Have While Bathing Suit Shopping
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: aging is not kind on a woman’s body. I know, I know. It came as total shock to me, too. Particularly yesterday, when I was standing in the fluorescent lights...
View ArticleMotherhood Has Made Falling Down A Lot Less Fun
I’m no stranger to falling down and, as my friends will tell you, I have a long history of tripping, losing my footing, and face planting, usually in an epic fashion. In fact, my fall down a hill of...
View ArticleThe Keeper Goes To A Video Shoot. Yes, Really.
When I was about 8 years old, my father took me to Rockefeller Plaza. I had been allowed to skip school and accompany my father to an early morning business meeting in Midtown. It was a cold February...
View ArticleThe Year I Didn’t Make Christmas Cookies
I’m pretty sure I married Hubby just to get his mother’s Christmas cookie recipes. I’m kidding. Mostly. When I attended a Christmas Eve gathering at his mother’s house the first year we were dating, my...
View ArticleWhen Your Bowels Are A Mess, Your Whole Life Goes Down The Drain. Literally.
I was compensated by Med-IQ through an educational grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. to write about the signs and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. All my opinions are my own. The...
View ArticleMemphis Has Marching Ducks And It’s My Favorite
When you think about Memphis, the first thing you think about it Elvis, right? Images of a bigger than life HunkaHunka Burnin’ Love in a bedazzled white jumpsuit living in an over the top house on the...
View ArticleThe Day My Toddler’s Mouth Almost Had Me Arrested At Preschool
It all started out so innocently. All I had to do was get the 2-year-old to his first day of preschool with a 2-week-old infant in tow. I’m a bachelor’s educated RN with many years of ICU experience....
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