We May Have Kids But Our Marriage Was Here First
Scene: the dinner table, a few years ago. Fruit Loop #2: “How do you KNOW that you should marry a person?” Fruit Loop #1: “When you meet the right person, a spark happens. Then you have to nurture the...
View ArticleI Had The Birds And The Bees Talk With My Son And It Was Awkward AF
As a parent, there are a few moments that stop you in your tracks and make you want to run screaming from the room: the first time you realize your toddler can reach the top of the stairs in under...
View ArticleMy Smart Phone Makes Me Feel Like I Can Rule The World
I am fairly certain I could rule the world with my iPhone. From scheduling play dates, to managing Hubby’s schedule, to counting calories, to connecting with my friends, my iPhone is my right hand man....
View ArticleConnecticut Has A Free Submarine Museum and Your Kids Will Love It
Traveling is my FAVORITE. And, there’s I love more than sharing my experiences from the road with pretty much anyone who will listen. Which brings me to my new series, Keeper of The Fruit Loops...
View ArticleThe Phrase I Used To Hate To Hear From Other Mothers
When I was a new mom in 2003, I had the luxury of being able to stay home full time with my son when he arrived. Before he came, I envisioned long afternoons of cuddling and bonding, making gourmet...
View ArticleMy Husband Is Having An Affair and It’s Fine With Me
She’s sleek. She’s sexy. She purrs. When she’s around, he’s got his eyes on her curves and he just can’t help but touch her parts. She takes him places he’s always dreamed about and my husband is just...
View ArticleIt’s Taken Me Twelve Years To Decide Running Doesn’t Suck
Let’s get something straight: until twelve years ago, I only ran when chased. While in high school, I participated in sports and I use that term loosely because by “sports,” I mean Color Guard and...
View ArticleThe Boston Marathon Bombing Does Not Make Me Afraid To Run
Five years ago today, two terrorists attacked the runners and spectators of the the Boston Marathon. On that day, I was in an airport in Nashville, preparing to return home from a long weekend. As my...
View ArticleMy Father Died And My Kids Had Questions I Wasn’t Prepared To Answer
It is often said that to really experience life, you should see it through the eyes of a child. Never is that more true than when there is a death in the family. On October 4, 2012, my father passed...
View ArticleThe Day A Car Accident Made Me Realize I Was A Douchebag
You know how sometimes Life tries to quietly teach you a lesson and you ignore it? And then Life tries a little louder to teach you that lesson and you swat it away like an annoying fly? And THEN...
View ArticleIf You Ask Me What I Do All Day, I Will Junk Punch You
When the Fruit Loops were small, I was a stay at home mom. Mostly. By “mostly”, I mean that while yes, I started my blog and worked part time as a nurse, for the most part, my main job was keeping the...
View ArticleI Met My Writing Hero Thirty Years After We Met At Sweet Valley High
When I was ten, my family moved to the Lone Star State. For a Yankee girl like myself, the transition was anything but smooth. My clothes were wrong, my accent sounded foreign to the kids at school and...
View ArticleKOTFL Exclusive: Read A Never Before Seen “Sweet Valley High” Chapter!
No, that headline is NOT clickbait, I promise. You will recall that I recently had the mind blowing experience of meeting Sweet Valley High ghost writer and prolific author Eileen Goudge in the most...
View ArticleSince Moms Have To Everything Anyway, I’m Writing My Eulogy, Too
When you die, what will people say about you? What will the people around you choose to fit into a teeny tiny column in the paper in the midst of their angst over your untimely demise? Will your...
View ArticleI Totally Win At Thrift Shopping (and You Can, Too, With These Five Tips)
When Hubby and I first started out, we had nary a pot in which to piddle. Zip. Zero. Zilch. No moolah boolah whatsoever. In fact, in the now outdated VHS of our wedding ceremony, Hubby can be seen...
View ArticleForgiving Your Spouse Means Admitting You’ve Done Stupid Things, Too
Show of hands: Who has a spouse who has committed an Act of Stupid so incredible that you want to scream and yell like a stark raving lunatic? Show of hands: Who has BEEN the spouse to commit the Act...
View Article10 Books You Should Read This Summer Because I Said So
It’s no secret that my favorite pastime in the summer is to lay around with my nose in a book. There’s something about the sounds of an early summer evening surrounding me as I escape to imaginary...
View Article10 Books That You Can Finally Read Now That The Kids Are Back In School
For as long as I can remember, reading has been my salvation. In fact, my earliest memory is that of my then eighteen month self sitting in a play pen on a hot summer’s day while looking at the Golden...
View ArticleIf I’m Being Totally Honest, I’m Jealous AF of My Teenagers
As I entered the family room, I marveled at just how much space my teenage son now takes up on the couch. His legs sprawled towards the carpet and his shock of curly, unwashed hair brushed his forehead...
View ArticleWhen I Turned 40, I Wanted A Boob Job. I Got Braces Instead.
I am an angry, miserable woman in pain. Let me rephrase that. I am a 40 something woman who took a long look in the mirror and didn’t recognize most parts of her body. And I decided to do something,...
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